[외국어클리닉] Tuesday with Morrie
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학습역량 특강
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나의 신청내역
- 프로그램 일정 상태
○ 강의 개요
With over 11 million copies sold in the U.S., Tuesdays with Morrie is an inspirational true story of a professor’s last lesson before dying. This English clinic has been put together to help students improve upon already established reading skills. Using the novel Tuesdays with Morrie, learners will acquire new vocabulary, answer background questions, and identify important details while being provided with an authentic window into the English language. Moreover, learners will have the opportunity to reflect on each lesson with tasks designed to incorporate the main ideas from each lesson into the student’s everyday life. Any student looking to improve their reading would be able to benefit from the content in this clinic.
○ 강의 수강방법
1. LMS 로그인
2. 다드림온라인(비교과 강좌) 클릭
3. 기초교양교육원 클릭
4. 해당 교과목 입장 후 수강
○ 강의 수강방법
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[외국어클리닉] Tuesday with Morrie
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